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What is the Career & College Center?

The Irondale High School Career & College Center is available for students that want assistance with planning their life after high school.

We have a wide variety of Career & College resources for you.


Fritz Rock
Career and College Coordinator

Michael Werner
Post-Secondary Planning Coordinator


Naviance logo

What is Naviance?

Naviance is a college and career readiness resource that helps students align their strengths and interests to post-secondary goals, improve their short- and long-term academic outcomes and connect learning to life. This resource is free to Irondale High Schools students and families and it provides personalized academic planning, self-discovery, career exploration, and college and career preparation.

Read More about Naviance
College Planning

Preparing for College

Preparing for college begins in middle school and continues all the way to high school graduation. Talk with your teachers, dean and family about what courses are best for you, where you might want to attend, and what you want to do as a career.

Read More about College Planning

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